The Gift of Dyslexia by Ronald Davis
I love how The Gift of Dyslexia explains the theories behind Davis Dyslexia Correction methods, and details basic procedures in an easy to follow, scripted format. Large type, illustrations and photos make this book dyslexic friendly.
The Gift of Learning by Ronald Davis
Expands the Davis Methods with theories and correction procedures that address the three basic areas of learning disability, other than reading, which children and adults experience.
The Mind’s Eye by Thomas West
An in-depth look at the connections between creative ability, visual thinking, and academic learning difficulties. Explore the minds of famous dyslexics from Einstein to Churchill.
Discovering Your Child’s Learning Style by Mariaemma Willis, M.S.
What works for one child is often counterproductive for others. By trying to force all children into the same learning mode we unfairly short-circuit their education as well as their intellectual development.
Colleges that Change Lives: 40 Schools You Should Know About Even If You’re Not a Straight-A Student by Loren Pope
This incredible book shows you how to find colleges with supportive and innovative programs.
Barron’s Mathematics Study Dictionary by Frank Tapson
Comprehensive definitions and explanations of mathematical terms, organized by concept. Geared to age 10 to adult. My daughter loves it and uses it to help her with her homework.
Learning Outside the Lines by Jonathan Mooney & David Cole
Two Ivy League students with learning disabilities and ADHD give you the success and educational revolution. I found this very informative.
I hope you found the list useful. If you know of any other books that people with dyslexia would find useful or enjoy feel free to comment and give me your feedback.
“Books For Creative Learning.” Rev. of Books. Dyslexia Reader 2009: A2-A3. Print.
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