Tag Archive - Dyslexia Research

Could an ADHD Nutrition Plan Help Kids With Dyslexia?

Can A Diet Change Help People With Dyslexia?

There has been a lot of talk about how a person’s diet could really improve one’s ability to focus and thus improve the disorientation symptoms that dyslexics experience.  My perspective on the diet is that it helps increase their threshold so that people with learning disabilities can handle more confusion and not disorient so often.  I think diet can be ONE of the pieces of the puzzle in helping to overcome a learning challenge.


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Common Traits and Behaviors of Dyslexics

If a few or more of these symptoms are consistently experienced, dyslexia is the likely cause. These areas are addressed within the procedures of the Davis Dyslexia Correction® Program which I tailor to the individual.


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A New Perspective On Dyslexia

Dyslexia was the first general term invented to describe reading problems. Now over 70 names are used to describe various aspects of dyslexia. There are many different theories of what dyslexia is, what causes it, and why the disability occurs.


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